GenoPro is handy tool for visual drawing family trees. It offers internal API for custom reports, but for external integration I find useful to access data directly via custom library.
Are you dreaming about having your family tree always in your pocket? Accessible even without internet connection, with branches split into logical parts, with searching capabilities? It is already possible, see details.
GenoPro allows splitting family trees into logical subtrees in separate files connected using hyperlinks. Once done, it becomes tricky to generate e.g. ancestor tree including all your data. And now my tool comes...
A handy tool for displaying matches for the specific DNA segment. Just export your MyHeritage matches as CSV file and upload it to the tool. Then select the match and click one of the matching segments to display all relevant matches ordered by the size of common parts.
Windows aplikace na prohlížení skenů matrik v ZIP souborech (bez potřeby předchozího rozbalení). Po instalaci stačí v Průzkumníku Windows nad ZIP souborem vyvolat pravým tlačítkem myši kontextovou nabídku a zvolit "Open with JetBrowser". Více zde.